Keeping Your Company Safe
With exploits becoming more sophisticated day by day, it’s now more critical than ever for your business to take Cyber Security seriously with the correct investment extending far beyond traditional means such as antivirus and boundary firewalls.
Combined with the desire to transform into a modern workplace, it is imperative businesses continuously protect the availability, accessibility and integrity of their data and systems. The effects of a breach, of any size, can have devastating impacts on an organisation, severely compromising their reputation, competitive advantage and financial position, with fines from regulatory bodies a common occurrence.

Endpoint Security
Our Endpoint Security offers protection against malware while analysing USB devices, web browsing and applications ensuring your business data and assets will be protected against cyber-attacks and data breaches.
Defending your business’s vulnerable access points, whether this be a computer, phone or tablet connected to the business network, entry points need to be secured minimising the risk of cyber-attacks or data breaches.
Boundary Security
Our boundary security solutions add the primary layer of protection for your business’s network, protecting against external threats and protecting services.
- Next-generation firewalls & advanced threat protection
- Web content URL filtering
- Web portal management & reporting secure remote access
Email Security
Email communication is the most common source of malware accessing your network. Email threats are now shifting to targeting users and not infrastructure.
- Protecting against viruses, spam & phishing attacks
- Risk analysis & quarantining of potentially harmful attachments
- Implementing policy, enforced encryption & data loss prevention
- Creating a 24/7 standby emergency inbox
Assessments & Compliance
We will assess your business’s networks, people, processes and policies and identify areas for compliance, reducing the risks of cyber-attack.
- GDPR compliance
- Cyber Essentials scheme
- PCI DSS scans
User Awareness Training
Helping you implement a culture of cyber awareness across your business with tailored security training and phishing simulations.
- Improve your businesses security awareness
- Keep staff vigilant against threats
- Deliver targeted education to the vulnerable users
- Encourage employees to report suspicious content
Cloud Security
We will execute best practices to manage and reduce security risk, and protect your networks and data.
- Governance of data wherever it resides
- Maintaining & control of activity, applying DLP (Data Loss Prevention) methods
- Control of data across all devices
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